Annie Wersching KMOV interview
KMOV News 4’s Ray Preston talked with actress Annie Wersching prior to the start of the 2009 Taco Bell All-Star Legends and Celebrity Softball Game on Saturday July 12, 2009.
Ray Preston: Alright, two things. Number one, I saw you with a camera out there. You’re getting a kick out of all this, aren’t ya?
Annie Wersching: Oh my god! My cheeks are like being pulled up to the sky! *laughs* I’m so excited.
Ray Preston: How come? You just a huge baseball fan in general, or what?
Annie Wersching: HUGE baseball fan. I just can’t even believe that I’m involved with this somehow. You know, I’m from St. Louis – Vince Coleman just asked me if he could bat after me. I mean, what?! *laughs*
Ray Preston: So if you’re from St. Louis, gotta ask you what high school you went to?
Annie Wersching: I went to Crossroads, which most people are like “where?” *laughs*
Ray Preston: Number two, I saw you taking [inaudible].
Annie Wersching: I’m glad I made contact, [inaudible].
Ray Preston: So what are you gonna be doing in the game?
Annie Wersching: I’m catching. And I’m batting second after Vince Coleman, before Ozzy Smith.
Ray Preston: So how’d they decide to put you in catching?
Annie Wersching: They asked what we’d be comfortable with doing, and I thought that sounded kinda safe. But maybe [it's] not? *laughs*
Ray Preston: So how did you come from this point, St. Louis [inaudible] to the All-Star game here, [inaudible].
Annie Wersching: Ohhh, it’s so exciting, it’s so fun to come back. I come back all the time, but it’s so fun to come back and the city just be so energized and people are [inaudible].
Ray Preston: Are you gonna be able to brag a bit about your home town?
Annie Wersching: I loooooove St. Louis!